Our Method


Intakes are the key to helping MOJ stay on mission, healing spirit, soul and body.  Patients go through an intake evaluation annually to identify areas of their life where they have made progress or to see which areas are out of balance and still need attention. Because of the intentional process, there is opportunity to share the gospel during intake sessions, if the patient is open to listening.
INTAKE:  a one hour session in which a volunteer guides patients and clients through a self-assessment of their physical, emotional, spiritual, and relational health so all of their needs may be addressed in their appointments at MOJ. 
The results of each area (physical, relational, emotional, and spiritual) are plotted on corresponding "wheels of health."  This gives a visual for the patient to see where the flat spots in their life are.  Likening these wheels to wheels on a car, it is easy for the patient to see why their life may not be running so smoothly.  The patient then sets realistic goals for the flat areas and the information is recorded in their medical chart.  When the doctor sees, for example, a patient with stress related health issues, referring them to counseling for what is noted as significant relationship issues will ultimately help the patient heal in spirit, soul and body, rather than just addressing a medical issue that will reoccur unless the root issues are dealt with in a healthy way.  Click here to see a sample of completed intake wheels.


The diagram here shows how integration at MOJ happens.  We have four primary areas of service and each one can refer patients and clients to other areas (Medical & Dental can only take uninsured who cannot afford to pay for services). With all areas collaboratively working together, whole person healing happens. Prayer and sharing truth of the gospel with individuals is at the forefront of each ministry area, completing body, soul, and spirit healing.

Intake Impact

During an intake a young lady realized her need of Christ.  As she began to evaluate her spiritual life, she shared she was not raised in church nor was she familiar with the Bible.  After much discussion about God, she prayed and received Jesus into her life!
While going through intake questions and having conversation, a woman shared she had once been in a very bad car accident but didn't know how she survived, and without injury.  After going through the spiritual portion of the evaluation, the volunteer referred to the accident and gently asked the patient what would have happened to her if she had been killed.  She was unsure but gave permission to hear what the Bible had to say about life after death.  She listened intently.  Though no decision was made, she made a spiritual goal to consider what will happen to her after she dies and she took home scriptures to look at.  Seeds were planted and God is working.
One of our faithful intake volunteers met with a man in his 70's who had been diagnosed with cancer.  He came from a Catholic family and a very difficult past.  As he shared about his life there were only a handful of happy moments.  The intake volunteer took the opportunity to tell this man about Jesus.  After more discussion, the man said he wanted to pray and receive Jesus.  For nearly 20 minutes the man prayed and talked to his Heavenly Father for the first time.  This man was now part of the family of God!  His life had been changed. What a beautiful work of God in this man's life.  After 70 years of walking in the dark, he has hope.  He is filled with joy.  He thought he was just coming to a medical appointment, but it was so much more!